Otokar Navigo is at the Paris Olympics!

At the 2024 Summer Olympics, Otokar Navigo will accompany the Olympic Torch Relay from Marseille to Paris.
At the 2024 Summer Olympics, Otokar Navigo will accompany the Olympic Torch Relay from Marseille to Paris.
Web Sitesi'nde yayınlanan bütün metin, grafik, logo, resimler, fotoğraflar, şekiller, teknik çizimler, video kayıtları, filmler, yazılımların ve elektronik materyallerin her türlü hakları saklıdır. Bu unsurların Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş'nin yazılı izni olmaksızın kısmen veya tamamen, doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak aynen ya da başka bir şekilde kullanımı, kopyalanması, kiralanması, ödünç verilmesi, çoğaltılması, değişiklik yapılması, başka bir bilgisayara yüklenmesi, postalanması, dağıtımı, nakli, tekrar yayınlanması, teşhiri, uyarlanması, işlenmesi, temsili, ticari amaçla elde bulundurulması, satılması veya sayılan fiillerin teşvik edilmesi, yapılmasının kolaylaştırılması yasaktır. Otokar, sitede yer alan materyallerin (tanıtım filmi, görsel gibi) meslekî, ya da ticarî amaçlı olmadan kullanımı için kişisel bilgisayarlara kopyalanabilmesine izin verebilir. Ancak bu kullanım sonucu ortaya çıkabilecek her türlü yasal sorumluluk, ihlâlde bulunan kişiye aittir. Siteye erişim ya da siteden herhangi bir döküman indirilmesi nedeniyle bilgisayar donanımında, yazılımında veya diğer varlıklarda olabilecek tüm hata, hasar ya da diğer olası sonuçlardan Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş sorumlu tutulamaz.
Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş sitede belirtilen bilgilerin doğruluğu ve güncelliğini temin için gereken çabayı sarfedecektir. Ancak sitede kullanılan bilgilerin doğru olup olmadığı konusunda sorumluluk taşımaz. Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş, dilediği zaman tüm bilgileri, kuralları değiştirebilir veya iptal edebilir. Bu hususları takip etmek kullanıcının sorumluluğundadır.
Web sitesinde yer alan her türlü içerik, donanım, opsiyon, fiyat, ödeme koşulları, bayi, yetkili servis ve yedek parça bayileri bilgilerini, ikinci el araç stoğu, teknik resim, teknik özellik, görsel, açıklama ve haber gibi bilgiler sadece tanıtım ve bilgi verme amaçlıdır. Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş, önceden haber vermeksizin aracın tavsiye ettiği fiyat, tip ve spesifikasyonlarında değişiklik yapabilir. Bu sitede yer alan bilgiler ülkeden ülkeye, ilden ile farklılık gösterebilmekle beraber, kullanıcı, bu bilgilerin güncelliğini ve doğruluğunu Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş ve bayi, yetkili servis gibi hizmet ağından temin etmekle yükümlü olduğunu kabul eder. Sitede belirtilen bilgiler hiçbir garanti veya taahhüt oluşturmaz.
Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş, sözleşmeleri feshedilen bayilerin, yetkili servislerin, yedek parça bayilerinin veya sitede yer almayan Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş ile hiçbir hukuki ilişkisi olmamasına rağmen yasalara aykırı olarak, Otokar isim ve logosunu kullanarak markalarına hizmet vermek üzere faaliyet göstermeye çabalayan firmaların, her türlü eylem ve işleminden dolayı herhangi bir sorumluluk taşımamaktadır.
Öneri formu, Otokar Hattı, yatırımcı ilişkileri bülteni gibi bilgi amaçlı formları doldurarak iletilmiş olan kullanıcı bilgileri, sadece Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş tarafından tanıtım ve pazarlama aktivitelerinde kullanılacaktır. Bu amaç dışında, Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş, bilgi formlarına kaydedilen bilgileri gizli tutacağını ve üçüncü kişiler ile paylaşmayacağını taahhüt eder.
Resmî makamlardan Kullanıcı'ya yönelik bir suç duyurusu ya da resmî soruşturma talebi gelmesi ve/veya Kullanıcı'nın Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş'nin sistemlerinin çalışmasına engel olacak ya da işleyişini değiştirecek herhangi bir elektronik sabotaj veya saldırı yaptığının tespit edilmesi halinde, Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş, Kullanıcı'nın kimlik bilgilerini araştırma ve yasal mercîlere bildirimde bulunma hakkına sahiptir.
Sitede yer alan formların doldurulmuş olması, kullanıcı'ya herhangi bir hak vermez ya da kullanıcı'ya herhangi bir uygulama ile ilgili kazanılmış hak iddiasında bulunma imkanı vermez. Formlara eksik, yanlış ya da geçerli olmayan bilgiler girilmesi halinde, Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş'nin tanıtım çalışmaları sonucu sağlanabilecek imkanlar ile ilgili hak talebinde bulunulamaz.
Kullanıcı, Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş'nin web sitesine girmekle yukarıda belirtilen şartları kabul etmiştir.
© 2005 Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş.
Cookies are used on our platform, which are necessary to provide the content to you, to optimize the performance of the Platform and to understand the visitor profile. We kindly request you to review the Cookie Privacy Notice on Processing of Personal Data for detailed information about the cookies used on the platform. If you agree to the processing of your data regarding your movements and preferences on the Platform, as well as your transaction security and social media data for the purposes of personalization, targeting and advertising and data transfer abroad for the purpose of using mandatory, functional, preference, social media, performance, analysis targeting and advertisement cookies provided by Google Inc., Facebook Inc., Kentico Software located abroad, choose "Accept", if you do not agree, choose "Reject". You can always change your preferences in the Personal Data Protection tab, which can be accessed via the link available at the bottom of the website.
Cookie Service Provider | Cookie Name | Cookie Purpose | Cookie Type | Cookie Time |
Kentico | CMSMobileRedirected | It stores the language option that the user uses on the site. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSCurrentTheme | It indicates whether the user is redirected to the mobile view when entering the website from mobile devices. | Essential | End of the session |
Kentico | Webauthtoken | It keeps visual theme names for organizing convenient dialog windows. | Essential | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSForumPostAnswer | It is a live authentication cookie. | Essential | 3rd party cookie |
Kentico | CMSVotedPolls | It holds the user's free question-answer forum posts. | Essential | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSRatedDocuments | It maintains a poll list where the user votes to avoid duplicate votes. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSShowDesktopVersion | It maintains a list of pages the user has rated to avoid duplicate votes. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSWindowsUser | It indicates that the visitor is switching to the desktop (default) version of the website through a specific device profile. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | .ASPXFORMSAUTH | It stores information for users imported from the Active Directory domain during authentication. | Essential | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSPrefferedUICulture | It stores the user's encrypted authentication ticket when using forms authentication. | Essential | web.config folder |
Kentico | CMSMobileRedirected | Indicates if the visitor has been redirected to the mobile version of the website by the Mobile device redirection web part. | Essential | session end |
Kentico | CMSCurrentTheme | Stores the name of the current visual theme to provide proper design to the dialog windows. | Essential | 1 day |
Kentico | Webauthtoken | Live ID authentication cookie. | Essential | 3rd party cookie |
Kentico | CMSForumPostAnswer | Keeps a list of Question-Answer forum posts in which the user voted for an answer to prevent repeated votes. | Essential | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSVotedPolls | Keeps a list of polls where the user voted to prevent repeated votes. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSRatedDocuments | Keeps a list of pages that the user rated to prevent repeated votes. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSShowDesktopVersion | Indicates that the visitor has switched to the desktop (default) version of the website from a specific device profile. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSWindowsUser | Stores information for users who were imported from an Active Directory domain during authentication. | Essential | session end |
Kentico | .ASPXFORMSAUTH | Stores the user's encrypted authentication ticket when using forms authentication. | Essential | set in web.config |
Kentico | CMSPreferredUICulture | Stores the preferred UI culture of the user. | Editor | 1 year |
Cookie Service Provider | Cookie Name | Cookie Purpose | Cookie Type | Cookie Time |
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, _ga | It allows to analyze the overall performance of the site by anonymously analyzing the movements of the users within the site. | 3rd Party Cookie | 2 years |
Cookie Service Provider | Cookie Name | Cookie Purpose | Cookie Type | Cookie Time |
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, _ga | It allows to analyze the overall performance of the site by anonymously analyzing the movements of the users within the site. | 3rd Party Cookie | 2 year | |
_fb, _fbq | It allows anonymous segments to be used as target groups in Facebook and Instagram ads based on the movements of the users within the site. | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Cookie Service Provider | Cookie Name | Cookie Purpose | Cookie Type | Cookie Time |
Kentico | CMSCookieLevel | It allows anonymous segments to be used as target groups in Facebook and Instagram ads based on the movements of the users within the site. | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Kentico | ASP.NET_SessionId | It indicates which cookies are allowed by the visitor. | System | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSCsrfCookie | It keeps the user session ID for security reasons. | System | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSPreferredCulture | It is a security token that the system uses to validate all form data from POST requests. It helps protect against cross-site fraudulent requests. | System | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSViewMode | It stores the user's preferred UI culture. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSImpersonation | It stores the current view mode of the user. (Edit, Preview, Design, etc.) | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSUserWords | t stores user information impersonating another user in the administration interface. | Editor | End of the session |
Kentico | DisplayContentInDesignMode | User's custom word dictionary maintained by the spell checker. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | DisplayContentInUIElementDesignMode | It remembers the web part content checkbox in the user's design tab (for example, in the pages app). | Editor | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSMacroDesignerTab | It remembers the setting of the web part content in the design tab of the user's UI elements. | Editor | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSSplitMode | It remembers the last active tab where the macro condition was edited. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSPreviewState | The language version remembers the split-view mode when editing multilingual websites | Editor | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSPropertyTab | It stores the last page design preview preference used by the user. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSViewTab | It remembers the last active tab of the properties section in page apps. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSValidationTab | It remembers the last active tab of the viewport in preview mode in page apps. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSEdVariantSliderPositions<templateid> | It remembers the last active tab of the validation section in preview mode in page applications. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSWebPartToolbarCategory | It remembers the position of the slider area when defining variables for MVT or content customization. | Editor | 7 days |
Kentico | CMSWebPartToolbarMinimized | It stores the selected web part category in the web part toolbar. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSCurrentDeviceProfileName | It remembers whether the user has minimized the web part toolbar in the design tab. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSCurrentDeviceProfileRotate | It stores the selected device profile when editing pages. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSUniGraph | It remembers whether the device preview is used horizontally or vertically. | Editor | End of the session |
Kentico | CMSSessionToken | Editor | 1 year | |
Kentico | ABSelectorState<ABtestname> | It stores the user's snap to grid preference in the advanced workflow and marketing automation designer. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | VisitorStatus | It stores the status of the selectors on the AB test overview page. | Editor | 2 months |
Kentico | Source | It keeps the information that the visitor is a new/old user. It is used in web analytics to monitor visitors' statistics. | Visitor | 20 years |
Kentico | Campaign | It stores the channel the user came from (eg email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | TrackedCampaigns | It stores the web analytics campaign assigned to the visitor. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | UrlReferrer | It stores all web analytics campaigns that need to be tracked in JavaScript code blocks. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | CurrentContact | It stores the URL referrer from which the user came to the website. | Visitor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSAB<ABtestname> | It stores the GUID of the person associated with the current site visitor. It is used to monitor activities on the website. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | CMSMVT<mvtestname> | It is used to protect test-related conversions and the visitor's page content. It stores the name of the page variant assigned to the visitor, the list of conversions performed, and whether the visitor was included in the A/B test specified by the A/B tes | Visitor | 2 months |
Kentico | CMSNoTestMVT<templateid> | It stores the combination of variants assigned to the visitor by the MVT test. It is used to track conversions for the test and to maintain the visitor's consistent page content. | Visitor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSShoppingCart | It stores the MVT combination selected by the editors in the management interface. | Visitor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSBodyClass | It saves a GUID reference to the user's shopping cart. It allows the system to recover the shopping cart for unregistered customers, even after clearing the cache (for example, after restarting the application). | Visitor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSEd<GUID>Current | A body element class to meet accessibility standards. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | CMSUserPage | The wizard layout stores the web parts. | Visitor | 1 day |
Kentico | ChatLoggedInToken | It stores the IDs (DocumentID, NodeID) of the last visited page. Used to log landing and landing page web analytics and events. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | ChatSupportLoggedInToken | It stores the login status for the chat application (indicates whether the user is online). | Visitor | End of the session |
Kentico | <Window name>_<Group ID>_roomID | It indicates whether the user is logged into the support chat. | Visitor | End of the session |
Kentico | chat_autoinitchat_displayed_<GUID> | It stores the chat web parts' groups and links between chat rooms (for a particular window or tab). | Visitor | 4 days |
Kentico | chat_kick_roomid_<room ID> | It remembers if the auto-start chat web part is shown to the user (prevents multiple chat start messages). | Visitor | 1 hour |
Kentico | StrandsSBS_* | Indicates that the user has been kicked out (and not allowed to return) from the designated chat room. | Visitor | Last kick-out time setting (seconds) |
Kentico | CMSStrandsTrackEvent_* | It is used by Strands Recommender for its own purposes only. Cookies are managed by Strands. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | __openid_selector_* | It stores persistent HTTP content after a page is reloaded. It is used to monitor shopping cart activities. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | CMSLandingPageLoaded | OpenID stores the user identity for authentication. | Visitor | 1 year |
Kentico | Indicates that the landing page has already been visited and the landing page activity is not recorded again for the current visitor. It expires after 20 minutes and is renewed each time the website is accessed again. | Visitor | 20 minutes | |
Kentico | Social Media | Social media integration web parts use relevant social media cookies. If the social media web parts are not displayed on your pages, the default social media cookie level should be lowered using the web.config key. For example - Sets the soci | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Kentico | CKEditor | CKEditor cookies may be stored for users working with the WYSIWYG editor. | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Kentico | 51D | It is used when the system is configured for 51 degrees.mobi mobile device detection. | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSCookieLevel | Specifies which cookies are allowed by the visitor. | System | 1 year |
Kentico | ASP.NET_SessionId | Keeps the user session ID for security reasons. | System | session end |
Kentico | CMSCsrfCookie | Store's a security token that the system uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Helps protect against Cross site request forgery. | System | session end |
Kentico | CMSPreferredCulture | Stores the visitor's preferred content culture. | Essential | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSViewMode | Stores the user's current view mode (Edit, Preview, Design, etc.). | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSImpersonation | Stores user information when impersonating a different user in the administration interface. | Editor | session end |
Kentico | CMSUserWords | User's custom word dictionary kept by the spell checker. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | DisplayContentInDesignMode | Remembers the user's setting of the Web part content checkbox on the Design tab (for example in the Pages application). | Editor | session end |
Kentico | DisplayContentInUIElementDesignMode | Remembers the user's setting of the Web part content check box on the Design tab of UI elements. | Editor | session end |
Kentico | CMSMacroDesignerTab | Remembers the last active tab of the Edit macro condition dialog. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSSplitMode | Remembers the state of the language version split-view mode when editing multilingual websites. | Editor | session end |
Kentico | CMSPreviewState | Stores the user's latest page design preview preferences. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSPropertyTab | Remembers the last active tab of the Properties section in the Pages application. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSViewTab | Remembers the last active tab of the View section in the Preview mode of the Pages application. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSValidationTab | Remembers the last active tab of the Validation section in the Preview mode of the Pages application. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSEdVariantSliderPositions<templateid> | Remembers the position of the variant slider when defining variants for MVT or Content personalization. | Editor | 7 days |
Kentico | CMSEd<GUID>Current | Stores the current step of Wizard layout web parts in the administration interface. | Editor | 1 day |
Kentico | CMSWebPartToolbarCategory | Stores the selected web part category on the web part toolbar. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSWebPartToolbarMinimized | Remembers if the user minimized the web part toolbar on the Design tab. | Editor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSCurrentDeviceProfileName | Stores the selected device profile when editing pages. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSCurrentDeviceProfileRotate | Remembers whether the device preview uses the landscape or portrait view. | Editor | session end |
Kentico | CMSUniGraph | Stores the user's Snap to grid preference in the advanced workflow and marketing automation designer. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSSessionToken | Stores the token used by the web service that provides the advanced workflow and marketing automation designer. | Editor | 1 year |
Kentico | VisitorStatus | Indicates if the visitor is new or returning. Used for tracking the visitors statistic in Web analytics. | Visitor | 20 years |
Kentico | Source | Stores the channel from which the visitor arrived as part of a campaign (e.g., email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Based on the utm_source query string parameter. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | Campaign | Stores the name of the campaign assigned to the visitor. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | TrackedCampaigns | Stores all the campaigns, which should be tracked within a JavaScript snippet. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | UrlReferrer | Stores the URL referrer from which the user arrives on the website. | Visitor | 1 day |
Kentico | CurrentContact | Stores the GUID of the contact related to the current site visitor. Used to track activities on the website. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | CMSAB<ABtestname> | Used to track conversions for the test and maintain consistent page content for the visitor. Stores JSON data including the identifier of the page variant assigned to the visitor, the list of performed conversions, and an indicator of whether the visitor is included in A/B testing. For more information, see A/B testing pages (MVC sites) or A/B testing website pages (Portal Engine sites). | Visitor | 2 months |
Kentico | CMSMVT<mvtestname> | Stores the combination of variants assigned to the visitor by an MVT test. Used to track conversions for the test and maintain consistent page content for the visitor. | Visitor | 1 month |
Kentico | CMSShoppingCart | Stores a GUID reference to the user's shopping cart. Allows the system to recover the shopping cart for unregistered customers, even after it is cleared from the cache (for example after an application restart). | Visitor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSBodyClass | Body element class to provide accessibility standards. | Visitor | 50 years |
Kentico | CMSUserPage | Stores the IDs (DocumentID, NodeID) of the last visited page. Used for logging landing and exit page web analytics and activities. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | ChatLoggedInToken | Stores the login state for the Chat application (indicates if the user is in the online state). | Visitor | session end |
Kentico | ChatSupportLoggedInToken | Indicates if the user is logged in to the support chat. | Visitor | session end |
Kentico | <Window name>_<Group ID>_roomID | Stores bindings between groups of chat web parts and chat rooms (for a specific window or tab). | Visitor | 4 days |
Kentico | chat_autoinitchat_displayed_<GUID> | Remembers if the Automatically initiated chat web part was shown to the user (prevents multiple chat initiation messages). | Visitor | 1 hour |
Kentico | chat_kick_roomid_<room ID> | Indicates that the user was kicked from the specified chat room (and is not allowed to return). | Visitor | Kick lasting time (seconds) setting |
Kentico | StrandsSBS_* | Used by the Strands Recommender solely for its own purposes. The cookies are managed on the Strands side. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | CMSStrandsTrackEvent_* | Stores persistent HTTP context after a page is reloaded. Used for tracking of shopping cart events. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | __openid_selector_* | Stores OpenId user identification for authentication purposes. | Visitor | 1 year |
Kentico | CMSLandingPageLoaded | Indicates that the landing page has already been visited and the Landing page activity is not logged again for the current visitor. Expires after 20 minutes and the expiration period of the key is renewed every time the website is accessed again. | Visitor | 20 minutes |
Kentico | Visitor | 20 minutes | ||
Kentico | Social Media | Social media integration web parts use relevant social media cookies. If the social media web parts are not displayed on your pages, the default social media cookie level should be lowered using the web.config key. For example - Sets the social media cookie level to "Visitor": <add key="CMSSocialMediaCookieLevel" value="200" /> | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |
Cookie Service Provider | Cookie Name | Cookie Purpose | Cookie Type | Cookie Time |
_fb, _fbq | It allows anonymous segments to be used as target groups in Facebook and Instagram ads based on the movements of the users within the site. | 3rd Party Cookie | 1 year |